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IoT - RapsberryPi Weather Station

The general objective of the project is to use the Raspberry Pi combined with sensors
to send information to a web site that stores the statistics (Carriots).
Separately build a phone App that allows you to access that stored information in any time.

IoT Weather Station 01

IoT Weather Station 02

It was actually useful: the 2017 Winter was particularly cold in Dublin with heavy snow
and the flat where I was living was really cold when the heater was down. So I could
have measurements of the room's temperature being made every 15 minutes and I could
see that it was actually really cold inside and not only me whining.
Moreover on the same table I would have measuerements of external temperature from OpenWeather
so I could constrast my room's temparature with the actual weather conditions.

The Technologies involved were:

1: Raspberry Pi
2: Pi's GPIOs and sensors
(Temperature, Humidity and Presence)
3: Carriots Site
5: Python
6: Linux's Crontab
7: MIT Inventor
8: Android Phone

Python to get measurements and send them to Carriots.

Python Query piece of Code

Also store the data locally in a CSV file.

Excel Data with measurements

An Android phone app was designer using MIT's Inventor.

Inventor: app layout
MIT Inventor block-code for the Load button.

Inventor: MIT code for Load Values button
MIT Inventor block-code for downloading the info from OpenWeatherMaps.

Inventor: MIT code for downloading from Carriots

Carriots Website: POST Received
Carriots: Website

Carriots Website: POST Received

Linux's Crontab for scheduled tasks: run every 15 minutes.

Linux's Crontab for scheduled tasks

OpenWeatherMaps serves the weather conditions on many cities in the World for free.
OpenWeatherMap: Website

Open Weather Maps website

Presence Sensors

Presence Sensors

GPIOs connection

Raspberry Pio GPIOs connection

Done in Dublin during December/January/Fabruary 2018.