Tomigs - TTR

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Bouncing Ball

Simple Bouncing Ball Animation

Bouncing Ball V01

Link can be found HERE

Bouncing Ball V02

The objective of this project was to create a simple realistic looking animation, adjusting the animation channels.

The animation was done in MAYA(2018).

Source Material

Videos of an actual tennis ball bouncing against the wall were recorded on the phone.
These videos were importend into Maya as Reference Planes that could be used to adjust the animation.

Bouncing Ball - Source Video

Bouncing Ball - Image Plane


The animations were imported as image planes into Maya
They were used as reference in order to poisition the ball in certain frames, that were marked as Key Frames

Bouncing Ball - Key Frame 1

Bouncing Ball - Key Frame 2

Bouncing Ball - Key Frames
As we could see the automatic iteration of the computer between the key frames was not good enough.
The ball's movement was not realistic enough. We can alter the behaviour between frames using the Graph Editor
See below the graph for the displacement on the Y axis, before and after changing the graph.

Bouncing Ball - Graph Editor01

Bouncing Ball - Graph Editor02

Also needed to alter the rotation of the ball on the Graph Editor.
In this case the change is less intuitive, but equally important.

Bouncing Ball - Graph Editor03

Bouncing Ball - Graph Editor04


This animation was made between March and April 2018.
The total time spent on it was rougly 18 hours.
It was done for the DKIT, Dundalk Institute of Technology, as part of the 3D Animation Higher Diploma.